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Prospective Volunteers

sIf someone expresses interest in volunteering, have them do the following:

  1. Join our Slack channel.
  2. Post in the #general channel asking about volunteering opportunities and someone will respond. Have them check the schedule and suggest days they may be able to come in for an orientation.
  3. One of us will confirm or propose another day/time depending on volunteer availability.
  4. There will be 4 buddy shifts (including the orientation). At the end of the fourth buddy shift, we will ask questions about their commitment level and based on assessments from the buddies, we will make a recommendation on volunteer status.
    1. If they are able to commit to a regular schedule, they may asked to be a volunteer.
    2. If they are unable to commit to a regular schedule but would still like to help on occasion, they may be asked to be a “casual”.
  5. Once they come a volunteer, they will be added to our private channels and communications.

Note: More perks will come after longer hours of service (TBD), e.g. discounted rates for purchases, etc..

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