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Scheduling is self-serviced.

To add or remove yourself from the schedule:

  1. Open up the “Weekly Schedule” spreadsheet located in the “For Volunteers” folder of the Bike Root Google Drive.
    • If you require access, please post in the #scheduling Slack channel.
  2. Select the “Schedule” tab (by default, this should be the tab the page will open up to).
  3. Add/remove yourself from the hours you are available/unavailable.
    • For example, if you want to volunteer on Monday 8:00-9:00am, add your name to any of the available spots in E2:E3, F2:F3, or G2:G3.
    • Conversely, if you are going to be unavailable, remove yourself from the corresponding cells and then add yourself back when you are available again.

Any changes made to this spreadsheet will be automatically reflected on the front page within 5 minutes so visitors will have up-to-date visibility of shop hours.

As a courtesy to your fellow volunteers, we also encourage you to post in the #scheduling Slack channel with any changes you are making, whether temporary or permanent, so we all have an idea as to who is around for the week. Note that any prolonged absence may result in loss of volunteer access of services.

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